The importance of the prefix “Re” in our life after 2020

2 min readJan 2, 2021

After experiencing the ups and downs of 2020, the year of vision and the year of focus for me, I realized as we slid into 2021 with hopes and affirmations of a better year we really need to embrace fully the prefix “re” and apply it to everything.

If we take it back to grade school, where we learned the meanings of words, and learnt the prefix to words so as to garner an idea of its. meaning, we would all come to some general consensus that the prefix “re” meaning “again” is quite fitting for 2021.

Here we have a chance to to start over, pivot or just do it again, because now we have the foresight that 2020 gave us. Imagine, you are siting in your car, you plug in your destination and the voice over the navigation, says calculating, route guidance will now begin. You start your journey and everything is going well, however you get distracted and you make a wrong turn, within seconds, the navigation comes on and says “recalculating…” a few seconds later, it either asks you to proceed if you didn’t veer too far off course and continue heading to your direction just a little later than expected. However, there are times when the calculations requires you to make a u-turn, and head back to where you made the wrong turn and then continue on your journey to reach your intended destination. This sometimes doubles your travel time, but if the destination is worth it you wouldn’t give up. Not losing you cool during this slight miss hap is usually what makes the difference.

We weren’t prepared for 2020, the schools weren’t prepared to teach differently, business weren’t prepared to do business differently, we weren’t prepared to communicate and live our lives differently other than how we were going along. Some of us might have to redo a grade, a class, redo getting that business contact, redo our relationships, but this time we do it better, we do it safer, we do it smarter because now we know that there are different ways to do something.

So embrace, the redo, the recalibrating, the re-embracing, rediscovering, the rebuilding, the reimagining, the rebranding, the redesigning, the refocusing, the recovering, the rekindling, and the regaining of your life after you realize you have been fortunate to do it again.

Have much gratitude, for God has blessed you with grace and strength to continue to pursue happiness.




I’ve always failed to say who I am, because each moment changes the internal narrative of who I am, either way even if I said, you will perceive me as you wish.