2 min readJun 26, 2021


The Great Return

The great return that we all are facing, maybe "not all of us" has nothing to do with production and or building a sense of community with our coworkers, it has to do with our economic structure.

On a typical day the amount of money that we spent pre covid is just not happening.

Example of a typical day going into the office requires things that money buys:

1. A shower- soap, shampoo, conditioner, hair products, tooth paste, face products, lotions, make up (I haven't bought these as much as when I was in the office)

2. Office Attire- this cost money ( I was wearing lounge clothing)

3. Quick Breakfast ( a great breakfast I could have made, had I had the time)

4. Uber to the train station (bus is to crowded)

5. Transportation card

7. Coffee (could have made home)

8.Lunch ( had time to make a great meal at home)

8.(a) go to the gym at lunch (could have done free home)

9. Visit store to pick up stuff on lunch break, not enough time to do on the weekend. (paying more for stuff)

10. Coffee ( not home to make it)

11. Train/ bus home( spent too much can't take an Uber

12 Order dinner (to tired to cook)

So many people and companies get paid and make money with me just going to work, is why we are being asked(forced) to return. Production was high, so its not that. People missing the interaction, I for one have made peace with my inner voices and enjoy my own company they should do the same. The ones who need to have that co worker interaction should go back to the office, the others should just stay home.

Anyway, for the greater good of the economy, returning to work will be a pleasure!




I’ve always failed to say who I am, because each moment changes the internal narrative of who I am, either way even if I said, you will perceive me as you wish.