Is your Life in the default settings?

3 min readJul 11, 2020

Designing your life would be better.

It is nearly impossible to use anything that has not been designed. The word designed means: to plan and fashion artistically or skillfully. to intend for a definite purpose. Somethings that have been designed are great, and you can’t imagine life without it, while other designs are just horrible and not user friendly at all. However, you have to respect that someone or a company invested a lot of time, energy, and money into the design whether it was good or bad.

Just a thought, if just about everything around you is designed, are you taking steps to design your life the way you want it? I realized I was running on the default settings of my life and not customizing it how I wanted it. On the default settings, life was not bad but it could sure be a whole lot better. I realized I was only putting in a small percentage of work and using 100 percent of my life and my time on things that weren’t beneficial to me.

Default Settings

“You want to be strong enough in life to create your own current*, you can’t expect good results if you just go with the flow. However, keep in mind that when you create your own current it will be unpredictable, but you created it so you will know how to maneuver the mishaps because there will be mishaps. This life that you created will be a good one.”

I was watching a show on Netflix called Street Food I recommend you watching it if it is that you love food. In this particular episode, there was this guy and he was talking about his life and what he said about his life was profound to me. I’ll be paraphrasing but you will get a gist of what he meant. He said “You want to be strong enough in life to create your own current*, you can’t expect good results if you just go with the flow. However, keep in mind that when you create your own current it will be unpredictable, but you created it so you will know how to maneuver the mishaps because there will be mishaps. This life that you created will be a good one.”

Designing your life begins with designing the environment around you. If a certain color makes you feel your best, inject it into every aspect of our life. If there is a scent that evokes calm in your life, light that candle up and enjoy the peace it brings you. It would allow you to create energy and that energy that you are creating is your current.

Everyone is Marie Kondoing their closet and draws but it’s time to do it in our lives. If it is not serving your highest self, then you must let it go. Allow it to move on and maybe spark some joy in someone else life. I recently did that with my closet, you can find a few items that use to spark joy for me, but I realized it was time to move on . Before I eliminated these items from my closet, I asked myself these two questions: 1. What’s the worse thing that could happen if I get rid of this? 2. Is letting this go, allowing me more freedom, and allowing me to evolve? You can always apply this to your life when you start to remove the clutter. You can find clutter in existing relationships, you can find bad habits in the food that you consume, you can find things in every aspect of your life where you think you may need to design it in your pursuit of happiness.

Here is to ending living on the default settings in your life, customize it! Design your life.



steady flow, stream, backdraft, slipstream;

  • a body of water or air moving in a definite direction, especially through a surrounding body of water or air in which there is less movement. “ocean currents”
  • a flow of electricity which results from the ordered directional movement of electrically charged particles.

You can find other post on designing your life over at




I’ve always failed to say who I am, because each moment changes the internal narrative of who I am, either way even if I said, you will perceive me as you wish.